Friday, June 8, 2012

I've had some questions regarding my post about the real estate agent.

I'm sorry I've made a lot of people feel out of the loop regarding our plans for moving. We're not necessarily abandoning this condo right away, we need to find a place to go that fits us well, and we don't want to jump too precipitously. This has been a really great place to live in a lot of ways - nearly everything you want within walking distance - but there are constraints with having neighbors right on top of you. One can't make changes to the outside of the building or major changes in the yard without gathering the neighbor's opinions, and you don't want to turn the music up too loud. It would be a better place for someone who's more outgoing and sociable than we are. We wanted to compromise so as to have the convenience of in-town living, but it seems we can't stand, for an extended time, to compromise quite so much as we have done.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

You can see the floor on my side of the bed! :)

We're going to have a real estate agent in, tomorrow evening, so the pile I've been creating for the past year had to disappear. I didn't actually throw out a whole lot of stuff, I just mainly moved dirty clothes to the laundry, put books on a shelf and stuffed and stacked everything else more creatively. So now there's like floor where there was a small set of drawers and a row of journals and notebooks, completely covered with a pile of papers. Stuff that got stuffed. A lot of it has to go, but for this evening this is all I can manage. I think now I should take a Tylenol PM, for the anti-histamine, and get to bed.