Saturday, April 14, 2012

If you get a chance (and won't be offended by playing with religion) read Jeeves and the Mysterious Ways by laeticiav. :)

Other than that, my day... Well, let me see. Waking up too early after being up too late, and running off to Portland to get the van inspected. Then a stop at the hardware store and on to breakfast at Becky's - yay! Looked around the LL Bean main store and outlet in search of long johns for Eor, then some work in the garden (weeded, turned some dirt, got some pea netting up - had to weave some of it together because it was too short, planted pea pods, bok choy and more radishes), tacos, and then I took another quick trip back to the store looking for a yellow button-down shirt.

I was back in a little more than a half hour with chocolate milkshakes from Johnny Rocket's and the impression that yellow button down shirts have been banned from Freeport. I went into Tommy Hilfiger, LL Bean and Calvin Klein with very little luck. (yes, I do move fast when shopping - cruise through, see that what I want is not there, move on.) Oh, there was one yellow-and-white striped shirt at LL Bean, of that material that is very ripply-bumply (is it called poplin, perhaps?), and there was a bilious, eye-searing yellow shirt at Calvin Klein. Which is weird because, seriously, there is every other goddam thing you can imagine in pleasant, sunny shades of yellow. T-shirts, sweaters, polos, fleeces, raincoats, shorts, weird halter-top-looking blouses. I would also have been happy with ocher, but I thought that was an even longer shot. I thought yellow would be likely!

Chocolate milkshakes made the walk worthwhile, though. :)

Now off to mend the raveled sleeve of care, or something like that.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

exhausting, but good.

Today we got up and made ourselves a couple small tacos and were outside by about 8:30AM. We dug up and wrapped the roots of a bunch of our blackberry plants, jammed them into our tiny car, and carted them on up to our friends' (groundctrl & littleredhead) new house that they're building. They had picked out a spot and groundctrl had the fence posts almost all cut by the time we got there, and we all ran at it with a fearsome speed. Eor has, I think, decided to call this 'dog-teaming,' as we all tried to out-pull each other and nearly worked ourselves into a stupor of exhaustion. But we got it done and it looks GREAT! I wish we'd taken pictures. In fact, I think what I will do, if I can, is I will take a picture of what we were imagining and see if I can get Littleredhead to take a picture of what Groundctrl designed and we assembled, today, so you can see how many notches above our vision he took it. :)

We worked straight through until 2:30pm with a couple of mouthfuls of trailmix and the like, and then realized we all felt like falling over and went out to eat; had an amazing meal that couldn't be beat, looked at our plates and thought "I could eat that much again." Well, apparently Littleredhead was full, she's the only one of us who seems to have proper portion control. But, had desert instead, and then bought more candy on the way home, because my and Eor's bodies insist that burning any extra calories is not allowed. ;)

And then I cooked cornbread, which I guess was 'dinner.' Off to bed, must work in the AM. :P

I love working side by side with people. I do think there's nothing better for friendships, if you can keep from getting snappish with each other when you're exhausted. :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's not that things don't happen in my life, it's that, mostly, they would require too much explanation to be worth posting.

I almost hit two otters when I was driving to work this morning There was no way to stop, too much traffic behind and too my left, no margin to the right because it was at a bridge (which is why I'm going with them being otters). The one in the lead got all the way across the bridge ahead of the traffic, the one following ended up right squarly in front of me. I let off the brake and cringed, heard a thump, then looked in the rearview and saw him running back off the way he had come. I passed directly over him and the thump must have been a bump in the road.

Chasing after girls will shorten your life.