Wednesday, November 12, 2008

except it's really a ... quartrefecta?

I can't believe it's actually been over a year since I posted here, last. Certainly doesn't seem that long. Since then I've obviously had a haircut and ... other things cut as well. Breast reduction. :) I'm very happy with this! I was out of work all October, recovering. I've been back to work a week and a half on light duty, and today I get to see if he'll lift my restrictions a little. I do have to keep being careful, though, I can tell - when I do a little too much the scars start burning, it's kind of not happy.

Also, for the trifecta, as a coworker of mine always refers to it, I started back to work with a cold, my period, and a bladder infection. Always fun! :) Someday I'll feel like a normal human being again, but it's been six weeks and I'm pretty tired of it.

But I'm much more relaxed at work after a month off, so that's a good thing.

Oh, as to the why on the breast reduction (I always forget people like to know that) - I had a problem with my shoulder that wouldn't seem to heal up, and when they tried to straighten out my hips, which were twisted, they kept popping back out again, so they began looking for something out of balance in my body. They took a pound out of the left breast and only a half pound out of the right breast, so, yeah, imbalance!

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