Saturday, November 28, 2009

just to cheer your day...

Apropo of nothing, just in case you missed this fact, Alan Cumming is hot. He's bisexual, he's married to a guy. He has a Scottish accent. And in this clip he has Tin Tin hair. ;)

Yeah, I'm still alive...

I don't even know why I have all these different blogs and such when I spend most of my time at LiveJournal. I haven't even posted much over there, lately. I've just been too busy and distracted. I've learned how to make some pretty damned killer gluten-free carrot spice muffins, some simple slippers/moccasins, I've acquired a new old sewing machine - a gorgeous old Singer treadle - which will become a desk for me 'soon' (in the probably after Christmas area at this point), I had a computer crash and lost all my snail and email addresses and probably a lot of my photos, I had a visit from a brother (Hawk) and we went to see Dad and Aunt and Cousin, a law allowing gay marriage very nearly passed in Maine but the bigots (see above Cousin) killed it. :( (His mother voted to keep it, I believe. I felt betrayed in all kinds of ways because it was him coming out as gay that made me feel it would be okay to be bi, and then he went back on that.) I've been teaching classes at work early on Monday mornings, which is difficult to make.

Because I think he's cool - I don't really know him, but see him often in passing, and he seems like a really nice guy, always pleasant and good tempered - a link to the Wiki on Tony Atlas: Rumor has it that then he was fighting drug addiction a few years ago, and living on the streets in Lewiston. But I had no idea he was a sketch artist and now I want to see his art! But I can't find any online.

This morning I've spent at least an hour, quite possibly more, trying to copy all the addresses I've found into Eor's address book so they're backed up on his computer and won't be lost if I have another crash. :P Eor's on his way home from work so it's time to make french toast! :)